This page shows a number of examples that hopefully will bootstrap the learning process for users wanting to use RDL. If there is a specific example or use case that you would like to see that is not already shown here, please open an issue so we can get it added.
In this example, we will construct a robot model of a 2 link pendulum robot.
unsigned int body1_id = model->appendBody(Math::SpatialTransform(),
FramePoint body2_origin(body2_frame, 0.,0.,0.);
Definition: rdl_eigenmath.hpp:54
void updateKinematics(Model &model, const VectorNd &Q, const VectorNd &QDot, const VectorNd &QDDot)
Updates and computes velocities and accelerations of the bodies.
Definition: Kinematics.cpp:19
std::shared_ptr< ReferenceFrame > ReferenceFramePtr
Definition: ReferenceFrame.hpp:68
SpatialTransform Xtrans(const Vector3d &r)
Get pure translation transform.
Definition: rdl_eigenmath.hpp:1097
@ JointTypeRevoluteX
Definition: Joint.hpp:186
std::shared_ptr< Model > ModelPtr
Definition: Model.hpp:750
Describes all properties of a single body.
Definition: Body.hpp:88
Contains all information about the rigid body model.
Definition: Model.hpp:112